Manual Therapy

Ankle mobilization Graham Dalseg

Hands-on assessment and treatment techniques

Manual Therapy involves the assessment and treatment of muscles, joints, nerves and other soft tissue to help determine what structures need to be addressed


Manual Therapy is one tool that our physiotherapists have to help improve your mobility.

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Mobilization vs. Manipulation

Mobilization and manipulation are types of Manual Therapy that physiotherapists use to decrease pain and/or improve joint mobility. Mobilization is a slow oscillatory movement whereas manipulation involves a small, rapid force movement. Both types of Manual Therapy are evidence-based, effective treatments and are often used in combination with education, exercise prescription and other modalities.

Spinal manipulation is a controlled act in Canada and only individuals who have advanced training can apply these types of treatments to consenting clients.


 Our physiotherapists are CAMPT certified. This means they have completed years of additional instruction and examination to obtain their Diploma of Manual and Manipulative Physiotherapy and are Fellows of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy.


If you have more questions, visit our FAQ, give us a call, or visit


Physiotherapy Initial Assessment (60 minutes) - $125
Physiotherapy Follow-up (30 minutes) - $85
Physiotherapy Double Follow-up (60 minutes) - $125



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